Sunday 1 December 2013

Day 14: Saturday is Skills Day!

It'd be easy enough to call going to see Thor: The Dark World for the second time a bit of a cop-out as far as skills go, but as it was a second viewing I found myself actually really watching certain things more closely, and have a few observations.

First is just a small thing, but the final scene with Anthony Hopkins being Loki in disguise was actually epic beyond all reason and has given me even more respect for him as an actor, which I didn't think possible. Just little things - an eyebrow quirk, an intonation... playing someone else who is playing you is a tricky thing (which we don't often get to see in cinema) and he pulls it off beautifully so that it's not entirely obvious if you don't know to look for it, but when you DO look for it there's a wealth of little bits and pieces to find. Spectacular.

The more general observation I have is about the state of cinema in general - it's getting more epic. I don't mean that in the popular slang sense of being awesome, though it is that as well, but long series such as LOTR/Hobbit, Harry Potter, and the Marvel franchise are raising the bar every time, and it's getting to be unusual to see a film that doesn't have at least 2 live units and half the credits given to the animation and special effects department. That's not a bad thing - it all looks better on the big screen and is probably what's keeping cinema alive at the moment. It also works out well for the actors, since those big epic movies need big casts, and the story arcs spanning several films means more repeat roles.

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