Saturday 22 February 2014

The blog slipped. (Days 87-97 placeholder)

I have been keeping up with the reading. However, I let the blog slip for a few days, and then only managed one or two catchup entries so it slipped more, same again a couple of days later and now I'm sitting here with a list of over a week's worth of reading and viewing that I haven't written up, along with a handful of photos taken of me during that week (which are probably not quite as unflattering as I think they are) and feeling frustrated and worried about the next step. It would be exaggerating to say that everything is slipping away from me, that's not the case. EAS classes are going well and I am still reading or watching my requisite 5-6 plays a week. With that in mind, here's the list of what I haven't written up:

  • Dido, Queen of Carthage, by Christopher Marlow
  • Into the Woods, by Stephen Sondheim (at BIG arts, Sanibel)
  • Sunshine Over Leith (film adaptation)
  • EAS class: Introduction to Meisner
  • The Laramie Project (film adaptation)
  • Futureproof, by Lynda Radley
  • William Shakespeare's Star Wars, by Ian Doescher

I will be doing these at some point, but for the sake of my sanity and getting the blog going again, I'll be posting short thoughts only, and updating this post to do so. Tomorrow the blog will resume with Day 98 and whatever I chose to read/see. Once again I find myself in a position of trying to reiterate this year was never going to be easy or flawless, and this is the safe time to make mistakes and learn to recover from them.

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