Sunday 12 January 2014

Day 54: History Boys, by Alan Bennett

This is the second of the books I got for Christmas, this time I do have the film to go with it but for this first contact I read the script. It's an interesting take on how students see their favorite teachers, though perhaps it's all rather more literal in this story. I'm fairly sure even in the 80s most schools wouldn't have been so lenient on a teacher known to be "interfering" with their students. I see a clear parallel with the storyline of Dead Poet's Society, though the focus is in this case more on the teacher.

I was (perhaps unfairly) a bit put off by a large chunk early on in the play being in french, as it's one language I never really learned. I'm aware that puts me in a dramatic minority in this country. After the abysmal attempts at primary school where for reasons I can't recall our class went through about five teachers in three years, I gave up entirely and chose German as it was offered from the beginning of secondary school. Mercifully in this case there's enough Franglais and English interspersed into the "lesson" to have a reasonable idea what's going on. I'd be happy if the film includes subtitles, but either way I'll cope.

The closing scene is a clever way of bringing a trick I normally associate with screen to the stage: showing what each of the characters went on to after the main action of the story. It also brings the focus back outwards to the rest of the cast in a scene which could just as easily be focussed entirely on just the teachers, instead showing his legacy.

Overall I enjoyed reading the script, and look forward to coming back to the film adaptation at some point later in the year.

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