Sunday 12 January 2014

Day 55 - 57: Hence the need for the overhaul.

Friday I spent trying very hard not to come down completely with the start of a cold. I'd promised myself at the beginning of this project that I was going to try to just power through whatever got thrown at me, but I'd fallen asleep around 7pm on Thursday and was generally feeling pretty wiped out and figured taking a day was the better idea. Saturday was an annual get-together with friends I don't see very often which took up the entire day and most of the night... and Sunday was largely spent recovering and catching up on a week's worth of this blog.

In amongst all the faff though, I have got the Imogen monologue more or less memorised. I've been running the lines while walking whenever I'm out of the house, which has turned out to be a much more effective way of learning than sitting around with my nose in the book. It's obvious when I actually think about it. I know I'm more of a kinaesthetic learner than anything else, and old speeches I learned as a kid come back to me more readily when I'm wandering somewhere, so it's no surprise that the new ones work themselves into my mind more easily when I'm moving. I do still need to work out where to cut the piece I'm working on so that I can fit the time restriction for Thursday's audition this week.

In view of the new plan, which is to complete five plays a week from this point onwards, my plan is to take Wednesday off. That way I can focus entirely on polishing my audition piece the day before, and let my hindbrain do the tweaking while I do something else in the morning on the day. If it turns out I get an attack of nerves and want to spend Thursday working on the audition as well, then I still haven't lost more days than I'm "allowed", I just have a really long weekend ahead.

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